Monday, February 26, 2007

One for Mig

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mig bardsley said...

Oh how lovely. Positively sunny looking :)
Thank you Fred :)

Fred said...

You're welcome. I'll have a fiddle with some more later. I'm still trying to get Lightroom to do what I want but getting nowhere. I suspect I shall just give up on it in the end.

mig bardsley said...

Ah! Lightroom :)
Actually I remembered the one thing it's really good at which is arranging pictures for printing in any arrangement you like instead of offering a limited selection of arrangements.
If only I could find out where it puts things after I save them!

mig bardsley said...

It just occurred to me that CS2 may have improved the printing options a bit. I checked and it has :)

Fred said...

If you are printing out of Lightroom you don't need to save them.

If you really do need to export a file to use elsewhere just set the destination of your choice in the dialogue box. Also change the output to sRGB instead of ProPhoto otherwise you will get funny colours.